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Education Series | Ethical Hacking 2

665 / 5000 Translation results Hackers are divided into 3 categories: White Hat, Black Hat, Gray Hat The so-called white hats are good hackers, they are ethical hackers who use their hacking skills to survive cyber attacks. White Hats are usually security professionals with knowledge of hacking and hacking tools. They use this knowledge to


Education Series | Ethical Hacking 1

Most people think hackers have extraordinary skills and knowledge that allow them to hack into computer systems and find valuable information. This learning series will teach you the same concepts, techniques and software tools that many hackers use to collect valuable data and attack computer systems. Hackers use special computer software to gain access to


vSphere with Operation Management

VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite secara sederahan dapat saya ibaratkan sebagai  tools untuk melakukan monitoring dari semua produk infrastruktur dari VMware.  vCenter Operations Management, yang dapat menganalisis statistik lingkungan vSphere untuk memberikan representasi visual dari kesehatan, resiko keamanan infrastruktur dan efisiensi.  vCenter Operations Management dimaksudkan untuk membantu administrator membangun infrastruktur hybrid cloud berdasarkan produk VMware,